The team created a new product that enabled us to share potential new features with existing clients. The product team wanted to evaluate whether the products could be viable and whether they should be added to our portfolio.
Goal: Simultaneously conduct user research while providing clients with an opportunity to explore new functionality.
Primary questions included:
How would clients know about the new Labs?
How would clients know how to use Labs?
How would the product team collect feedback about each Lab?
Implemented a multi-phase approach that combined surveys, in-app pop-ups, knowledge base articles, and user research.
Several of the products we tested made it out of Labs and were retained as permanent offerings (e.g., City Profiles and Benchmarking).
Created in-app pop-up that asked if the client would be interested in testing a new feature. This pop-up linked to a survey where we collected input about types of information the client would find most helpful.
Wrote a knowledge base article (ArcGIS sample article) to provide comprehensive documentation.
Added a flashing beacon beside new Labs menu item to indicate its arrival.
Added in-app pop-ups and help text to facilitate the client’s ability to navigate the new feature.
Implemented and programmed exit survey that displayed upon Lab exit.
Conducted user interviews to discuss feedback.
Reviewed feedback with product team.
Designed Labs Checklist and Strategy.
Designed New Lab Template.
Created archived Lab strategy.